All (Full Stack)
Favourite the Meal Recipe, a Mobile App

Favourite the Meal Recipe, a Mobile App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, React, React Native, Expo, Redux, Redux Toolkit, etc

Twitter Bio Generator

Twitter Bio Generator

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, TypeScript, JSX/TSX, Tailwind CSS, PostCSS, React.js, Next.js, OpenAI ChatGPT API, Edge Functions, Next.js Edge API Routes, etc

Full Stack Readit App (A Reddit Clone)

Full Stack Readit App (A Reddit Clone)

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Tailwind CSS, PostCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Axios, React.js, Next.js, SWR, Day.js, Node.js, Express.js, Bcrypt, JWT, Multer, TypeORM, PostgreSQL, etc

Number Guessing Game Mobile App

Number Guessing Game Mobile App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, React, React Native, Expo, etc - A Portfolio Website - A Portfolio Website

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/SCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, JSX/TSX, React.js, Next.js, PostCSS, Bootstrap CSS, Animate.CSS, Emotion CSS-in-JS, Autoprefixer, Node.js, Next.js API Routes, GraphQL, GraphQL Request, GraphCMS, MDX, etc

Full Stack Social Media App

Full Stack Social Media App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/SCSS, Semantic UI, JavaScript, React.js, Day.js, Apollo Client, Bcrypt.js, Apollo Server, JWT, Node.js, Mongoose ODM, MongoDB, etc

Expense Tracker Mobile App

Expense Tracker Mobile App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, React, React Native, Expo, Redux, Redux Toolkit, etc

Full Stack Expense Tracker App

Full Stack Expense Tracker App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/SCSS, JavaScript, React.js, React Context, Next.js, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, etc

Full Stack Messenger Chat App

Full Stack Messenger Chat App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/SCSS, Styled Components, Bootstrap CSS, JavaScript, React.js, Day.js, Apollo Client, Apollo Server, JWT, Web Sockets, Node.js, Sequelize, Bcrypt.js, MySQL, etc

Full Stack Meetups App

Full Stack Meetups App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/SCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, Next.js API Routes, Node.js, MongoDB, etc

Full Stack Social News App

Full Stack Social News App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Chakra UI, Emotion CSS-in-JS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, Apollo Client, Node.js, Express.js, TypeORM, TypeGraphQL, Apollo Server, Argon2, PostgreSQL, Redis, Nodemailer, UUID, etc

Analytics Landing Page Clone

Analytics Landing Page Clone

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, etc

Add New Goal Mobile App

Add New Goal Mobile App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, React, React Native, Expo, etc

Vue 3 Quote Generator App

Vue 3 Quote Generator App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Vue 3, etc

Full Stack Crown Clothing eCommerce App

Full Stack Crown Clothing eCommerce App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React.js, Preact.js, Redux (inc. Saga & Persist), Google Firebase & Firestore, etc

Full Stack Pets App

Full Stack Pets App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, 
React.js, Next.js, SWR, Next.js API Routes, Node.js, Mongoose ODM, MongoDB, etc

Full Stack Snippets App

Full Stack Snippets App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/SCSS, Tailwind CSS, PostCSS, React.js, Next.js, SWR, React Hook Form, Next.js API Routes, Node.js, FaunaDB, etc

Forkify Recipy App

Forkify Recipy App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Axios, etc

Full Stack 
Authentication Building Block

Full Stack 
Authentication Building Block

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/SCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, Next.js API Routes, Node.js, MongoDB, etc

Full Stack Movies App

Full Stack Movies App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React.js, Next.js, Next.js API Routes,
Node.js, Prisma, PostgreSQL, etc

Image Search Gallery

Image Search Gallery

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, CSS Grid, JavaScript, React.js, Axios, etc

The Great Indian Weather App

The Great Indian Weather App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React.js, Redux, Google Maps, etc

Full Stack Blog App with Preview Mode

Full Stack Blog App with Preview Mode

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Styled Components, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, React.js, Remark.js, TinaCMS, Strapi CMS, SQLite, etc

Pie in the Sky Bakery Website

Pie in the Sky Bakery Website

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, CSS Flexbox, CSS Grid, etc

Architecture & Interior Design Landing Page

Architecture & Interior Design Landing Page

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Image Preview Gallery App

Image Preview Gallery App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Math Sprint Game App

Math Sprint Game App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Budget App

Budget App

Tech Stack: HTML3, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Light & Dark Mode Toggle Web App

Light & Dark Mode Toggle Web App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Color Generator App

Color Generator App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/SCSS, JavaScript, React.js, Next.js, Values.js, etc

Infinite Scrolling & Filtering Blog

Infinite Scrolling & Filtering Blog

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Infinite Scroll Image Gallery App

Infinite Scroll Image Gallery App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Youtube Search Clone (Vue.js)

Youtube Search Clone (Vue.js)

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, PostCSS, Zurb Foundation, JavaScript, Vue.js, Vuex, Axios, YouTube Data API v3, etc

Youtube Search Clone (React.js)

Youtube Search Clone (React.js)

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Zurb Foundation, JavaScript, React.js, Axios, YouTube Data API v3, etc

Netflix Inspired Mobile Navigation Building Block

Netflix Inspired Mobile Navigation Building Block

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

eShop App (eCommerce Starter Kit)

eShop App (eCommerce Starter Kit)

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, TypeScript, JSX/TSX, Tailwind CSS, PostCSS, React.js, Next.js, BigCommerce, etc

New Year Countdown App

New Year Countdown App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Text to Speech Reader App

Text to Speech Reader App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Split Landing Page

Split Landing Page

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Rotating Navigation Animation App

Rotating Navigation Animation App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock - Game App

Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock - Game App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Vue3 Calculator App

Vue3 Calculator App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/SCSS, JavaScript, Vue3, etc

Music Player & Playlist App

Music Player & Playlist App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Expanding Cards Image Gallery App

Expanding Cards Image Gallery App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Vue3 G-Mail Clone App

Vue3 G-Mail Clone App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/SCSS, JavaScript, Vue3, etc

Wine Images Slider Gallery App

Wine Images Slider Gallery App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Tic Tac Toe App

Tic Tac Toe App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Grudge List's Tracker App

Grudge List's Tracker App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/SCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, etc

Temperature Convertor App

Temperature Convertor App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Meal Finder App

Meal Finder App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Animate on Scroll Website Template

Animate on Scroll Website Template

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, AOS.js, etc

Movie Seat Booking App

Movie Seat Booking App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Pokemon Pokedex Gallery App

Pokemon Pokedex Gallery App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Background Slider Landing Page App

Background Slider Landing Page App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Generator App

Generator App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Mobile Tab Navigation
 Widget App

Mobile Tab Navigation
 Widget App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Github Profiles App

Github Profiles App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Blurry Loading Image Background
 Landing Page

Blurry Loading Image Background
 Landing Page

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Search the 
User App

Search the 
User App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Web Bookmark Keeper App

Web Bookmark Keeper App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

OTP: Verify Account UI Design Building Block

OTP: Verify Account UI Design Building Block

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Double Click Heart 
Building Block

Double Click Heart 
Building Block

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Form Input Wave 
Building Block

Form Input Wave 
Building Block

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Dark Mode Toggle 

Dark Mode Toggle 

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Number Fact 
Generator App

Number Fact 
Generator App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Password Strengther App

Password Strengther App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

“Internationalized Routing”  Problem Solving App 
with Next.js

“Internationalized Routing” Problem Solving App 
with Next.js

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/SCSS, 
JavaScript, React.js, Next.js, etc



Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Video Background 
with Preloader Website Template

Video Background 
with Preloader Website Template

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Photo Album
 with Material Design

Photo Album
 with Material Design

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Material UI, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, etc

Full Stack Customer Data App

Full Stack Customer Data App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/SCSS, 
Chakra UI, Emotion CSS-in-JS, React.js, Next.js, 
Next.js API Routes, Node.js, FaunaDB, etc

Full Stack 
Portfolio & Blog App

Full Stack 
Portfolio & Blog App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Tailwind CSS, 
PostCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, 
Next.js, GraphQL, GraphCMS, etc

Fireworks App with Fireworks.js

Fireworks App with Fireworks.js

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, 
TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, Fireworks.js, etc

Image Gallery with Transformations

Image Gallery with Transformations

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/CSS, JavaScript, React.js, Next.js, UploadCare, etc

API Backend (Micro-services): Book My Consultation App - Development + Deployment

API Backend (Micro-services): Book My Consultation App - Development + Deployment

Tech Stack: Java, Spring, Hibernate, Project Lombok, JSON Web Token, MySQL, Data JPA, MongoDB, Apache Kafka, Netflix Eureka, Docker, Docker Compose, AWS SDK, Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, Amazon SES, AWS IAM, Amazon S3, AWS VPC, etc

API Backend (Micro-services): Hotel Booking App - Deployment

API Backend (Micro-services): Hotel Booking App - Deployment

Tech Stack: Java, Spring, Hibernate, Project Lombok, JSON Web Token, MySQL, H2 Database, Apache Kafka, Netflix Eureka, Docker, Docker Compose, Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, AWS VPC, etc

API Backend: DevCamper App

API Backend: DevCamper App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, Bcrypt, JWT, Mongoose, Nodemailer, etc

API Backend: Articles App

API Backend: Articles App

Tech Stack: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, MySQL, etc

API Backend (Micro-services): Hotel Booking App - Development

API Backend (Micro-services): Hotel Booking App - Development

Tech Stack: Java, Spring, MySQL, Data JPA, Apache Kafka, Netflix Eureka, etc

API Backend: Expense Tracker App

API Backend: Expense Tracker App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, Mongoose, MongoDB, etc

API Routes: Meetups App

API Routes: Meetups App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, TypeScript, Next.js API Routes, Node.js, MongoDB, etc

API Backend: Messenger Chat App

API Backend: Messenger Chat App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, Apollo Server, JWT, Web Sockets, Node.js, Sequelize, Bcrypt.js, MySQL, etc

API Backend: Readit App (A Reddit Clone)

API Backend: Readit App (A Reddit Clone)

Tech Stack: JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, Express.js, Bcrypt, JWT, Multer, TypeORM, PostgreSQL, etc

API Routes: Authentication Building Block

API Routes: Authentication Building Block

Tech Stack: JavaScript, TypeScript, Next.js API Routes, Node.js, MongoDB, etc

API Backend: Blog App with Preview Mode

API Backend: Blog App with Preview Mode

Tech Stack: Node.js, Strapi, Knex, SQLite, etc

API Routes: Customer Data App

API Routes: Customer Data App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, Next.js API Routes, Node.js, FaunaDB, etc

API Routes: Pets App

API Routes: Pets App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, TypeScript, Next.js API Routes, Node.js, Mongoose, MongoDB, etc

API Routes: Movies App

API Routes: Movies App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, TypeScript, Next.js API Routes, Node.js, Prisma, PostgreSQL, etc

API Backend: Places App

API Backend: Places App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, JWT, UUID, Bcrypt.js, Axios, Multer, Mongoose, MongoDB, etc

API Backend: Task Management App

API Backend: Task Management App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, Nest.js, Express.js, TypeORM, JWT, Passport, Bcrypt.js, PostgreSQL, etc

API Backend: Social News App

API Backend: Social News App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, Express.js, TypeORM, TypeGraphQL, Apollo Server, Argon2, PostgreSQL, Redis, Nodemailer, UUID, etc, etc

API Backend: School Management App

API Backend: School Management App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, Nest.js, Express.js, Apollo Server, TypeORM, GraphQL, Bcrypt.js, UUID, MongoDB, etc

API Routes: eCommerce Checkout App

API Routes: eCommerce Checkout App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, TypeScript, Next.js API Routes, GraphQL, GraphCMS, Stripe , etc

API Backend: Social Media App

API Backend: Social Media App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, Node.js, JWT, Bcrypt.js, Apollo Server, GraphQL, Mongoose, MongoDB, etc

Favourite the Meal Recipe, a Mobile App

Favourite the Meal Recipe, a Mobile App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, React, React Native, Expo, Redux, Redux Toolkit, etc

Twitter Bio Generator

Twitter Bio Generator

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, TypeScript, JSX/TSX, Tailwind CSS, PostCSS, React.js, Next.js, OpenAI ChatGPT API, Edge Functions, Next.js Edge API Routes, etc

Full Stack Readit App (A Reddit Clone)

Full Stack Readit App (A Reddit Clone)

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Tailwind CSS, PostCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Axios, React.js, Next.js, SWR, Day.js, Node.js, Express.js, Bcrypt, JWT, Multer, TypeORM, PostgreSQL, etc

Number Guessing Game Mobile App

Number Guessing Game Mobile App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, React, React Native, Expo, etc - A Portfolio Website - A Portfolio Website

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/SCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, JSX/TSX, React.js, Next.js, PostCSS, Bootstrap CSS, Animate.CSS, Emotion CSS-in-JS, Autoprefixer, Node.js, Next.js API Routes, GraphQL, GraphQL Request, GraphCMS, MDX, etc

Full Stack Social Media App

Full Stack Social Media App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/SCSS, Semantic UI, JavaScript, React.js, Day.js, Apollo Client, Bcrypt.js, Apollo Server, JWT, Node.js, Mongoose ODM, MongoDB, etc

Expense Tracker Mobile App

Expense Tracker Mobile App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, React, React Native, Expo, Redux, Redux Toolkit, etc

Full Stack Expense Tracker App

Full Stack Expense Tracker App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/SCSS, JavaScript, React.js, React Context, Next.js, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, etc

Full Stack Messenger Chat App

Full Stack Messenger Chat App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/SCSS, Styled Components, Bootstrap CSS, JavaScript, React.js, Day.js, Apollo Client, Apollo Server, JWT, Web Sockets, Node.js, Sequelize, Bcrypt.js, MySQL, etc

Full Stack Meetups App

Full Stack Meetups App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/SCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, Next.js API Routes, Node.js, MongoDB, etc

Full Stack Social News App

Full Stack Social News App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Chakra UI, Emotion CSS-in-JS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, Apollo Client, Node.js, Express.js, TypeORM, TypeGraphQL, Apollo Server, Argon2, PostgreSQL, Redis, Nodemailer, UUID, etc

Analytics Landing Page Clone

Analytics Landing Page Clone

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, etc

Add New Goal Mobile App

Add New Goal Mobile App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, React, React Native, Expo, etc

Vue 3 Quote Generator App

Vue 3 Quote Generator App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Vue 3, etc

Full Stack Crown Clothing eCommerce App

Full Stack Crown Clothing eCommerce App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React.js, Preact.js, Redux (inc. Saga & Persist), Google Firebase & Firestore, etc

Full Stack Pets App

Full Stack Pets App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, 
React.js, Next.js, SWR, Next.js API Routes, Node.js, Mongoose ODM, MongoDB, etc

Full Stack Snippets App

Full Stack Snippets App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/SCSS, Tailwind CSS, PostCSS, React.js, Next.js, SWR, React Hook Form, Next.js API Routes, Node.js, FaunaDB, etc

Forkify Recipy App

Forkify Recipy App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Axios, etc

Full Stack 
Authentication Building Block

Full Stack 
Authentication Building Block

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/SCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, Next.js API Routes, Node.js, MongoDB, etc

Full Stack Movies App

Full Stack Movies App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React.js, Next.js, Next.js API Routes,
Node.js, Prisma, PostgreSQL, etc

Image Search Gallery

Image Search Gallery

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, CSS Grid, JavaScript, React.js, Axios, etc

The Great Indian Weather App

The Great Indian Weather App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React.js, Redux, Google Maps, etc

Full Stack Blog App with Preview Mode

Full Stack Blog App with Preview Mode

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Styled Components, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, React.js, Remark.js, TinaCMS, Strapi CMS, SQLite, etc

Pie in the Sky Bakery Website

Pie in the Sky Bakery Website

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, CSS Flexbox, CSS Grid, etc

Architecture & Interior Design Landing Page

Architecture & Interior Design Landing Page

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Image Preview Gallery App

Image Preview Gallery App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Math Sprint Game App

Math Sprint Game App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Budget App

Budget App

Tech Stack: HTML3, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Light & Dark Mode Toggle Web App

Light & Dark Mode Toggle Web App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Color Generator App

Color Generator App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/SCSS, JavaScript, React.js, Next.js, Values.js, etc

Infinite Scrolling & Filtering Blog

Infinite Scrolling & Filtering Blog

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Infinite Scroll Image Gallery App

Infinite Scroll Image Gallery App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Youtube Search Clone (Vue.js)

Youtube Search Clone (Vue.js)

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, PostCSS, Zurb Foundation, JavaScript, Vue.js, Vuex, Axios, YouTube Data API v3, etc

Youtube Search Clone (React.js)

Youtube Search Clone (React.js)

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Zurb Foundation, JavaScript, React.js, Axios, YouTube Data API v3, etc

Netflix Inspired Mobile Navigation Building Block

Netflix Inspired Mobile Navigation Building Block

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

eShop App (eCommerce Starter Kit)

eShop App (eCommerce Starter Kit)

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, TypeScript, JSX/TSX, Tailwind CSS, PostCSS, React.js, Next.js, BigCommerce, etc

New Year Countdown App

New Year Countdown App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Text to Speech Reader App

Text to Speech Reader App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Split Landing Page

Split Landing Page

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Rotating Navigation Animation App

Rotating Navigation Animation App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock - Game App

Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock - Game App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Vue3 Calculator App

Vue3 Calculator App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/SCSS, JavaScript, Vue3, etc

Music Player & Playlist App

Music Player & Playlist App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Expanding Cards Image Gallery App

Expanding Cards Image Gallery App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Vue3 G-Mail Clone App

Vue3 G-Mail Clone App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/SCSS, JavaScript, Vue3, etc

Wine Images Slider Gallery App

Wine Images Slider Gallery App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Tic Tac Toe App

Tic Tac Toe App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Grudge List's Tracker App

Grudge List's Tracker App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/SCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, etc

Temperature Convertor App

Temperature Convertor App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Meal Finder App

Meal Finder App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Animate on Scroll Website Template

Animate on Scroll Website Template

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, AOS.js, etc

Movie Seat Booking App

Movie Seat Booking App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Pokemon Pokedex Gallery App

Pokemon Pokedex Gallery App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Background Slider Landing Page App

Background Slider Landing Page App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Generator App

Generator App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Mobile Tab Navigation
 Widget App

Mobile Tab Navigation
 Widget App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Github Profiles App

Github Profiles App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Blurry Loading Image Background
 Landing Page

Blurry Loading Image Background
 Landing Page

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Search the 
User App

Search the 
User App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Web Bookmark Keeper App

Web Bookmark Keeper App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

OTP: Verify Account UI Design Building Block

OTP: Verify Account UI Design Building Block

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Double Click Heart 
Building Block

Double Click Heart 
Building Block

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Form Input Wave 
Building Block

Form Input Wave 
Building Block

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Dark Mode Toggle 

Dark Mode Toggle 

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Number Fact 
Generator App

Number Fact 
Generator App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Password Strengther App

Password Strengther App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

“Internationalized Routing”  Problem Solving App 
with Next.js

“Internationalized Routing” Problem Solving App 
with Next.js

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/SCSS, 
JavaScript, React.js, Next.js, etc



Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Video Background 
with Preloader Website Template

Video Background 
with Preloader Website Template

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc

Photo Album
 with Material Design

Photo Album
 with Material Design

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Material UI, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, etc

Full Stack Customer Data App

Full Stack Customer Data App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/SCSS, 
Chakra UI, Emotion CSS-in-JS, React.js, Next.js, 
Next.js API Routes, Node.js, FaunaDB, etc

Full Stack 
Portfolio & Blog App

Full Stack 
Portfolio & Blog App

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Tailwind CSS, 
PostCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, 
Next.js, GraphQL, GraphCMS, etc

Fireworks App with Fireworks.js

Fireworks App with Fireworks.js

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, 
TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, Fireworks.js, etc

Image Gallery with Transformations

Image Gallery with Transformations

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Sass/CSS, JavaScript, React.js, Next.js, UploadCare, etc

API Backend (Micro-services): Book My Consultation App - Development + Deployment

API Backend (Micro-services): Book My Consultation App - Development + Deployment

Tech Stack: Java, Spring, Hibernate, Project Lombok, JSON Web Token, MySQL, Data JPA, MongoDB, Apache Kafka, Netflix Eureka, Docker, Docker Compose, AWS SDK, Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, Amazon SES, AWS IAM, Amazon S3, AWS VPC, etc

API Backend (Micro-services): Hotel Booking App - Deployment

API Backend (Micro-services): Hotel Booking App - Deployment

Tech Stack: Java, Spring, Hibernate, Project Lombok, JSON Web Token, MySQL, H2 Database, Apache Kafka, Netflix Eureka, Docker, Docker Compose, Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, AWS VPC, etc

API Backend: DevCamper App

API Backend: DevCamper App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, Bcrypt, JWT, Mongoose, Nodemailer, etc

API Backend: Articles App

API Backend: Articles App

Tech Stack: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, MySQL, etc

API Backend (Micro-services): Hotel Booking App - Development

API Backend (Micro-services): Hotel Booking App - Development

Tech Stack: Java, Spring, MySQL, Data JPA, Apache Kafka, Netflix Eureka, etc

API Backend: Expense Tracker App

API Backend: Expense Tracker App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, Mongoose, MongoDB, etc

API Routes: Meetups App

API Routes: Meetups App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, TypeScript, Next.js API Routes, Node.js, MongoDB, etc

API Backend: Messenger Chat App

API Backend: Messenger Chat App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, Apollo Server, JWT, Web Sockets, Node.js, Sequelize, Bcrypt.js, MySQL, etc

API Backend: Readit App (A Reddit Clone)

API Backend: Readit App (A Reddit Clone)

Tech Stack: JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, Express.js, Bcrypt, JWT, Multer, TypeORM, PostgreSQL, etc

API Routes: Authentication Building Block

API Routes: Authentication Building Block

Tech Stack: JavaScript, TypeScript, Next.js API Routes, Node.js, MongoDB, etc

API Backend: Blog App with Preview Mode

API Backend: Blog App with Preview Mode

Tech Stack: Node.js, Strapi, Knex, SQLite, etc

API Routes: Customer Data App

API Routes: Customer Data App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, Next.js API Routes, Node.js, FaunaDB, etc

API Routes: Pets App

API Routes: Pets App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, TypeScript, Next.js API Routes, Node.js, Mongoose, MongoDB, etc

API Routes: Movies App

API Routes: Movies App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, TypeScript, Next.js API Routes, Node.js, Prisma, PostgreSQL, etc

API Backend: Places App

API Backend: Places App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, JWT, UUID, Bcrypt.js, Axios, Multer, Mongoose, MongoDB, etc

API Backend: Task Management App

API Backend: Task Management App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, Nest.js, Express.js, TypeORM, JWT, Passport, Bcrypt.js, PostgreSQL, etc

API Backend: Social News App

API Backend: Social News App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, Express.js, TypeORM, TypeGraphQL, Apollo Server, Argon2, PostgreSQL, Redis, Nodemailer, UUID, etc, etc

API Backend: School Management App

API Backend: School Management App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, Nest.js, Express.js, Apollo Server, TypeORM, GraphQL, Bcrypt.js, UUID, MongoDB, etc

API Routes: eCommerce Checkout App

API Routes: eCommerce Checkout App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, TypeScript, Next.js API Routes, GraphQL, GraphCMS, Stripe , etc

API Backend: Social Media App

API Backend: Social Media App

Tech Stack: JavaScript, Node.js, JWT, Bcrypt.js, Apollo Server, GraphQL, Mongoose, MongoDB, etc


I first worked with Harry at VoicePing, where he demonstrated exceptional coding skills as a full-stack engineer and excellent collaboration abilities with other team members. He is a very sincere person, always putting in considerable effort and showing a strong willingness to learn new coding techniques and implementations. Harry consistently strives to deliver what is required, contributing significantly to the team's spontaneous workflow. Convinced of his abilities, I recommended him for a position at my current company, Antaa where he worked well at new projects as well.

Riko Kimura - Product Manager at アンター株式会社 (Antaa Inc.) .

Recommendation via Linkedin